Sunday, August 19, 2018

Cultural and Theological Reflections on the Japanese Quest for Divinity (Theology and Mission in World Christianity) Download by John Keane (Ur pdf

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In Cultural and Theological Reflections on the Japanese Quest for Divinity John J. Keane offers an explanation of Japanese divinity (kami) through sociology, anthropology, linguistics, literature and history. He presents an overview of how the Japanese have sought to love and serve their kami - a quest that rivals the interest that the West gives to God. The principles of interreligious dialogue are applied to the meaning of kami and a plea is made for a dialogue that respectfully accepts differences between Eastern and Western theologies. Important cultural themes are discussed as a part of this.
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Cultural and Theological Reflections on the Japanese Quest for Divinity (Theology and Mission in World Christianity) ebook
Cultural and Theological Reflections on the Japanese Quest for Divinity (Theology and Mission in World Christianity) read online free book
John Keane (Ur Cultural and Theological Reflections on the Japanese Quest for Divinity (Theology and Mission in World Christianity) free

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